1. Google doesn’t allow you to promote any specific health / medical services and products. For example, Google strictly doesn’t allow advertisement for Ciprofloxacin prescription drug.
You may check the list of banned prescription drug in Google advertising and its associated landing pages.
Click: https://support.google.com/adspolicy/answer/2430794
2. Certain phrasing are in healthcare advertisements.
Healthcare advertisers must include certain type of phrasing in their advertisements.
Note: You cannot guarantee specific results from your products or services.
Suppose you are displaying patient testimonial or before-and-after pictures, it’s important to use phrase like “Results are subject to vary from individual-to-individual or not guaranteed.”
3. Yes, you cannot use certain phrases.
- You should not refer banned terms
- You should not make time-based claims
- You should always add an unbiased disclaimer on ANY claim your product or services makes.
- Use an asterisk while quoting references
- No plagiarism, always use original content
- And of course, you may engage Google rep before publishing any campaign.
Google is an ocean… deeper you dive better the results by overcoming the challenges.