A recent survey, done by cardinal health found that the good number
of oncologist’s relay on pharma sales representatives to gain the knowledge
about new products and drug data. Apart from the new product education, pharma
reps also add value by providing patient access and assistance programs,
providing staff education and patient education materials. As per the survey,
the oncologists prefer the pharmaceutical companies to provide the content beyond
clinical and safety trial data by focussing up on patient outcome studies based
on real-world evidence and drug comparative effectiveness studies.
In today’s Digital world, new innovations
and technologies are making life better; let it be about safety or health all
are addressed by some or the other form of technology. But, people with visual
impairment or blindness still face a lot of daily obstacles at school or
overcome this, an online resource, which address the Occupational Safety and
Health (OSH) accessible for students with visual impairment or blindness is
A study was conducted which was outlined in a Design-Based Research
methodology. It involved the analysis, design, development and implementation
of a digital resource.
In the first stage of analysis, the accessibility challenges was
made in a way that the design of strategies and specific technical solutions
approach them.
The development process has revealed that users with visual
impairment or blindness can access the online digital resources. The most visual
contents and activities (based on videos and images) can be easily adjusted.
It suggested that the online accessible resources should be based on
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines. It allows the correct
description of the entire content by screen readers, accessible features, using
audio description and providing keyword navigation.
Pisco A A M, Joana B, Luis P, et al. Development of an online digital resource accessible for students with visual impairment or blindness: Challenges and strategies, IOS Press Content Library, Work, vol. Pre-press, no. Pre-press, pp. 1-10, 202010.3233/WOR-203085